Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Lost Food

Oh the craving...craving for bloody meat and any other edible material which has oil and salt and flavor in willing to pay the doctor a million dollars to certify me fit to eat human food...coz more than the jaundice am sick of starvation and fluids!!

Sigh..just had to get that out of the system...

Watched Star Trek today...a complete star trek movie for the first time in my living history! Its not that I didn't like Star Trek..the thing is that until today I never got the story.. :)

Well, the older Star Treks left me utterly confused and in the age of Avatar 3D and 2012 they seemed a bit neanderthal to thank you Hollywood for making this nic eli'l prequel to the whole at least I know the characters and their backgrounds..and can now proudly claim to be knowledgeable of most classic space in the same breath thank you George Lucas for Star Wars: Episode 1.

Thats a lot of rambling about something most people don't give a shit i better stop now!

Finished reading the latest by Dan Brown - 'the lost symbol' yesterday..and frankly it doesn't have the magic of Da Vinci code or Angels & Demons..a decent read at best but mostly preachy and repetitive...

I do not understand Mr. Brown's obsession with lunatic villains who have to be giants or have to possess super strength or have to be somehow super wierd! He does it in three of his it seems he has something against Robert Langdon..i think he has a fetish for Professors being beaten up by insane bullies..poor Tom Hanks...he will have to endure it for another movie!!

Well that's it now...enough for the day..see u later!!


Rajini Factoid: There is no such thing as evolution, it's just a list of creatures that Rajinikanth allowed to live.   

1 comment:

  1. .poor Tom Hanks...he will have to endure it for another movie!!..well said..
